Sunday, October 19, 2008

Happy Birthday To Me!!

This is my first drink for today..caramel ice starbucks carefour subang...hehehe.. I'm turning 24 surprise u is nothing actually..u just add one more number to your age and that's it..u live your life as it is..u eat, walk, sniff..hehe..nothing does it really feel to be 24..I havent ask this quest to me dearest friends yet..ill, miela, zura, wani, they felt..hehe..I never thought about this before because I'm not 24 yet...hehehe...

Today is my its up to me to say what ever I wanted to say and to do what I want to do..

My father ask us to get married next year..tak dapatlaa nak beli kerete dulu..takpe2..keter kt umah banyak...hehehe..

InsyaAllah...u guys doakan kebahagiaan dan kemurahan rezeki kami yeh..tak sabar jugak sebenarnyer..hehehehe ;p

I havent got any picture of mine for today's face..but i'll get it soon..later i post ok..hehehehe..

1 comment:

Ruby League... said...

happy birthday to you n you n you n you! belanja!